Women’s Health & Integrative Nutrition
The Inside Tract:Your Good Gut Guide to Great Digestive Health, Kathie Madonna Swift, MS, RD and G. Mullin MD
The PCOS Workbook, Angela Grassi
The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution, Aviva Romm,MD
Hormone Intelligence: The Complete Guide to Calming Hormonal Chaos and Restoring Your Body’s Natural Blueprint for Well-Being, Aviva Romm, MD
Eat To Beat Depression and Anxiety Drew Ramsey, MD
Eating Disorders, Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size Resources
The Intuitive Eating Workbook, Evelyn Tribole, MS , RD, Elyse Resch, MS, RD
8 Keys to Recovery From an Eating Disorder Carolyn Costin and Gwen Shubert Grabb
Living With Your Body and Other Things You Hate, Emily Sandoz
Well Nourished: Mindful Practices to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Feed Your Whole Self and End Overeating, Andrea Lieberstein
Embody, Connie Sobczak
Websites free eating attitudes test with anonymous feedback) (Health At Every Size)